Top Lists of Movies by Genre

Top lists sorted by genre are presented in this section and includes both old and newer movies. Lists that rank movies will often divide from many people's opinions, but hopefully the reader won't find that as important as the opportunity to discover new movies.

action movie sequence

best Action Movies

Errol Flynn


gruncho and chico marx

best Comedy Movies

crime movie sequence

best crime Movies

science fiction movie screenshot

best Science Fiction Movies

war fiction movie screenshot

best War Movies

horror movies screenshots collage

horror Movies

musical movie poster

Musical Film

Silence of the Lambs screenshot



Drama movies

cartoon dragon

fantasy films

screenshot of robbery in movie

best Western Movies

List of genres

Genres define the movie in order of narrative elements and distinctive features. As discussed below it is common that several genres blends in one movie. Click on the link below to explanations of different genres.

Sub genres and cross-over

See sub genres